Baptiste Power Yoga- Why?
A few months back I moved to California, it wasn’t in the plan, it isn’t something that I chose to do consciously, it was something that I had to do for my soul. My life is based on a series of events; good and bad, there are people who inspire, motivate and guide you without them even knowing it. You know the people in your life who are like this? If not become aware of just one! This was my motivation, to re-write the future plan, its not all about work and money, more about life and feeling good. While in California I have attended a variety of studios, some add weights to the yoga class and call it “scultping” others blend Bikram and vinyasa, some overdo the heat and others aren’t hot enough, could be what I am seeking I cannot find, so I keep looking, there is one studio that I really like and that is Called “Hard Yoga” run by a woman named Monika who is real and solid; I like that but the type of yoga that speaks to me is Baptiste Hot Power Yoga. It speaks to me from the alignment of my breath to the feeling in my body; however the poses alone cannot get the job done, add “heat” and things begin to change, my complaints come right to the surface, that slightly uncomfortable feeling begins to develop and I think; “why did I do this”? Then the teacher brings me into Childs Pose, it is the first posture of 53 poses in the Journey into Power, this is the beginning, it is the place of safety and where I go when I am not at ease. If you are fortunate enough to be led through this sequence regularly, taught from the 5 Pillars and 10 Tenets you will have a mind/body experience that will leave you inspired and uplifted. I often beat myself up thinking that perhaps I am wrong, that perhaps none of this is true and correct, that its all one big fat mirage then a voice in my head plays on that insecurity and I feel even worse, oh I may even tell myself a story about anything at all because that feels normal, however; when I come onto my mat and do the “Practice” my mind empties and I stop thinking, once my mind quiets down I am in the present moment and know peace. Wow that is a lot!! Not really this is a small piece of the magic behind Baptiste Yoga, this is why I practice, I stay with Baptiste Yoga because of how Baron has incorporated the Yoga Sutras into the Baptiste methodology; the “Eight Limbed Path”. What I desire in my life is peace and contentment, I don’t want to be afraid, I want the feeling of the shoe to drop to leave my body, I desire to be kind and surrounded by kindness, I do not desire drama or strife. It seriously is through living the eight limbed path that I am able to attain a little glimpse of living the way I desire using the “Practice” to come into my center, connect to the truth in my life, connect to the present moment, help others.
How does Hot Power Yoga do this, by cleansing from the inside out, sweat to aid in the detoxification of your body, mind and spirit, did I mention cleanse? Each teacher at Manipura is their own individual, each woman on her own path, each one delivering a slightly different experience, each one on her own journey. While I practice Baptiste Power Yoga I have found that forcing others to do the same only creates a big mess, yes this is part of the practice; learning how to give space for others to be on their own journey, what I have found works best is to have my own practice and inspire from there; one point that we agree on is that for every teacher leading a power sequence we call the poses the same, you learn the postures, you learn the breath, you expand outward in your lives. So when you take your next class become aware of how your mind turns, at what point does it stop turning or thinking, when do you distract (notice if the teacher builds in the distraction and you choose to not distract), notice if you avoid wheel? I feel when I stop doing wheel I am that much closer to the grave, after all isn’t this about being up to something bigger? Isn’t it about stepping to the edge of your mind? Of your life and the opening up you heart to heal your misperceptions? To forgive? Perhaps you are avoidant to doing the inner work, that is okay. Themes will continue to show themselves, you might be blaming others pointing the finger outward leaves three more pointing back at you, you may be distracting in areas of your life without even knowing it, perhaps you feel like shit all the time? Really the Journey Into Power is reclaiming your Personal Power, it is letting go of all of the things that take your power, it is about cultivating and creating a healthier more amazing version of you, and you know this is happening how? By the way you FEEL!! Do the work in your life to feel better, to live happier and find true freedom and happiness, notice what takes you out of the pose and notice when you are in full expression of the pose and notice when you are in full expression of your LIFE!